
Bowen Pipeline Company is committed to building a sustainable business through the integration of Environmental, Social and Governance (ESGs) frameworks and strategically aligning the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) outlined by the United Nations, with a goal to bring measurable value to the local communities, farmers and investors.

  • We aim to foster strong connections within the communities surrounding the Burdekin to Bowen regions to enable constructive dialogue on initiatives that may have impact and to ensure the economic benefits of the operations are shared with the local community where possible.

  • Increased food production must be delivered in the historical context of reduced available water, diminishing arable land, climate change and a decline in the health of supporting biodiversity and ecosystems.

  • We are committed to measuring and reporting to our investors to drive accountability for actions and transformation to highly productive, sustainable outcomes.


From meaningful change to measurable value.

ESG and sustainable development is more than us simply ticking boxes. It’s about making a difference - for the region and our world. The Bowen Pipeline is about creating sustained outcomes that drive value and fuel regional growth, whilst strengthening our environment and society.

Our passionate supporters are ready to put in the work to bring the Bowen Pipeline to a reality. From farmers and the community to environmentalists and economists, are helping us turn theory into action by combining real world experience with a commitment to change. Our approach is about turning meaningful change to measurable value where people and technology work together to create a brighter future for generations to come.

Our approach to ESG and sustainable development is more than good intentions. It's about the Bowen Pipeline Company creating a practical, tangible plan that focuses on more than diversity, climate change and disclosures. ESG is more about embedding these sustainable development principles across our project, from investment to innovation. We are bringing together our best people and smartest technology to the Bowen Pipeline project so we can tackle today’s biggest challenges and capture the best opportunities for environmental, social and governance for a sustainable future.

Find out more about our ESG Principles